Archieve - Unicum09

Unicum 2012 -
accompanying programme:

Štefan Galič (1944 - 1997)
Impressions and notes in ceramics

Gallery ZDSLU, Ljubljana, 26. May - 8. July 2011
Gallery DLUM, Maribor, 12. october - 29. october 2011


Štefan Galič (1944 - 1997)
Impressions and notes in ceramics

Gallery ZDSLU, Ljubljana
26. May - 8. July 2011
Gallery DLUM, Maribor
12. october – 29. october 2011

Štefan Galič's numerous participations in distinguished graphic selections in worldwide measure and also prizes and recognitions, which he received for his graphic work, are talkative information about his mastery in this fundamental area of his creating. Although graphic medium, specially the technique of colour woodcut, was in his opus always in foreground, one of the most extensive exhibitions recently exposed in Ljubljana's MGLC and in his native Lendava, presented Galič also as a painter and at the same time uncovered a fragement of artist's playful and research artistic nature on the field of ceramics. Subtile paintings on big ceramic vessels and forming reliefs in clay, which represent original pendant of his graphic matrices, are entitling independent presentation and fresh interpretation.  

The decision  to get deeper in formative and decorative elements of this medium, which has autochthonal and characteristic moves in the Prekmurje region, and to examine Galič's Response to them, meant tempting research challenge, which get its confirmation in the exhibition. This exhibition will fill up the intermediate space, which separates us  from the next triennial arrangement UNICUM. 
Presentation of ceramics with some selected graphic sheets includes larger number till now completely unknown  material,  which originated in 1993 for Keral enterprise in Lendava. 

The curator of the exhibition: Breda Ilich Klančnik      



  ZDSLU, Komenskega 8, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija, e-mail: info@unicum.si / gsm.: ++386 (0) 40 896 785