3th International Triennial of Ceramics Unicum 2015
Presented by the National Museum of Slovenia
15 May 2015 – 30. September 2015
The National Museum of Slovenia is setting up the III. International Triennial of Ceramics Unicum 2015. The emphasis is on popularization as well as presentation of contemporary ceramics as an independent area in the field of artistic creation. Triennial is a connection between international and Slovene area and it gives a fresh insight into artistic ceramics. Its intention is searching for elementary artistic research in connection to contemporary thought. We are looking for new concepts, technologies and innovative research in the field of ceramic art that are connected to contemporary life.
III. International Triennial of Ceramics Unicum 2015 contains competitive part and accompanying events and exhibitions all over Slovenia. The National Museum of Slovenia will host the competitive part of the triennial as well as the international exhibition of ceramics of students from Art Schools and Academies chosen by the invited mentors from each country where the members of the jury come from – Germany, Slovenia, Serbia, and Turkey. The works of Slovenian students will be chosen by: Katja Kastelic, Anica Krašna Kocijan, Prof., and Tanja Pak, Assoc. Prof. All the addresses of locations, where exhibitions and events will take place, and all the timetables will be announced at our web page (
Call for application is international and public. Any individual artist or group of artists working in the field of ceramic art, may participate in the III. International Triennial of Ceramics Unicum 2015. Ceramic artworks may include other materials which must not predominate. Each participant is allowed to submit up to two works. By applying, the artist assures that each ceramic artwork was created within the last three years. Members of the organizing committee, international jury and invited authors are not allowed to take part in the competitive part of the triennial. The works selected for the exhibition will be chosen by the international jury on the basis of the received documentation. Costs of sending and returning artworks are to be handled by their authors.
Applications for the competitive part of the triennial with all documentation required may be sent by e-mail:
Each author has to deliver:
- Correctly filled application form.
- Two photographs of each ceramic work from different angles in required format and printing quality, labeled with author’s name and surname, title and dimensions of work in centimeters (e. g. Surname_Name_Title of the Work_Dimensions_Picture1).
- Self-portrait photograph.
All photos should be in JPEG (.jpg); resolution of 300 dpi is required. Pictures are to be taken in front of a neutral background. With application, each author allows the organizer to use all the information from the received documentation for promotion and the catalogue of the triennial. The organizer of the triennial does not take any responsibility for published information, given by the authors in the application. The author is taking full responsibility for correctness of the information on him/her and his/her artwork. Received applications will be kept in the archives of the triennial as a part of applications’ documentation. Authors cannot exchange artworks, selected on the basis of the received photographs, or replace them with other artworks.
Deadline for Application
Deadline for application is Sunday, 30 November 2014.
The organizer will not consider incomplete applications.
Selection of Artworks and Notification
International jury will select artworks on the basis of the received photographs.
List of selected authors will be announced on Tuesday, 17 February 2015, on the website of the triennial (
Delivery of Selected Artworks
Accepted artworks should be delivered in a re-usable package no later than 24 April 2015 to: III. International Ceramic Triennial Unicum 2015, Narodni muzej Slovenije – Metelkova, Maistrova ulica 1, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia.
Each work must be delivered in packaging, required by the established standards and usable for storage and return. In case the packaging is unusable for return, the author is responsible for collecting his work personally, or it becomes the property of the organizer. In case the selected artworks consist of several pieces, the author has to add the plan for setting up the artwork at the exhibition. After receiving the delivery, notification email will be sent to the authors. Artworks which will arrive damaged or ruined will not be exhibited and will be returned to the author together with a note of the commission on the damage of the artwork. The costs of sending and returning the artworks are covered by the author.
Returning of Artworks
All displayed pieces should be reclaimed within one month after the last day of the Trienale exhibition. Any pieces not reclaimed within this time frame (until 30 October 2015) will become the property of the Organizer.
Insurance of Artworks
Insurance of artworks during the transport from the author to the Organizer and back is author’s responsibility. Insurance of artworks during the exhibition is made on the expense of the Organizer.
International Jury
Artworks for the III. International Triennial will be selected by international professional jury.
The international jury consists of:
Bernd Pfannkuche, M.A., the executive editor of New Ceramics (Neue Keramik).
Slovenia |
Nadja Zgonik, Ph.D., the President of the jury, Associate professor of art history at the Academy of Fine Arts and Design, the University of Ljubljana.
Karel Plemenitaš, Academic painter, specialized in graphic art and ceramics. |
Serbia |
Valentina Savić, M.A., professional ceramic artist. |
Turkey |
Insel Inal, Ph.D., professional ceramic artist, the head of the Ceramic Department at the Faculty of Fine Arts, the University of Kocaeli. |
International jury will select the works based on the received photo documentation. Jury will make selection for awards and recognitions. The decision of the jury is final.
Awards and Recognitions
Awards and recognitions will be conferred at the opening of the exhibition of the III. International Ceramic Triennial Unicum 2015.
The Exhibition of the Triennial
The opening of the III. International Triennial of Ceramics Unicum 2015 will take place on 15 May 2015 at the National Museum of Slovenia. The closing of the exhibition will be on 30 September 2015. Along with the exhibition of the III. International Triennial of Ceramics Unicum 2015, a printed catalogue of the selected artworks and other promotion material will be published. Authors of the selected artworks will receive the catalogue free of charge. President of the organizing committee Prof. Dragica Čadež Lapajne. The organizing committee: Jasmina Behrić, Mateja Kos, Tatjana Sirk, Mojca Smerdu, Vera Stanković, Ina Širca, Peter Vernik, Zora Žbontar.
Send application to:
Address for delivery of selected artworks: III. International Triennial of Ceramics Unicum 2015, Narodni muzej Slovenije – Metelkova, Maistrova ulica 1, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
Contact person: Zora Žbontar