Exhibition / Awards /Calendar of Events / Selected Authors / Application UNICUM 2015

Gallery of the tower Škrlovec, Kranj

19 May 2015 – 20 June 2015
Gallery Škrlovec Tower, 3 Škrlovec, Kranj

The material the artist chose for her latest sculptural story is a combination of her favourites – wood and clay. She did not tackle wood with the usual tools, chisels or even a circular saw, but chose what could be called a ready-made, an already shaped industrial object - a chair. The chair serves as a base around which she wraps her sculptural imagination of malleable clay and inspires it with meaningful symbols. The ascetically shaped wooden chair – with a backrest or without one, with a seat or with the seat removed – has turned into a kind of frame or base, and at the same time into a consistent part of the sculptor's intervention and the basis for th richly draped and polychrome clay forms, which suggest material traces of someone who used to sit on the chair, or put part of his clothes on it.

Curator: Breda Ilich Klančnik

  UNICUM, Prešernova cesta 20, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija, e-mail: info@unicum.si / tel.: ++386 (1) 2414400